Digital marketing spend is estimated to reach $120 billion by the year 2021.

Why are companies spending a lot of money on digital marketing?

Because it works.

If you’re interested in using digital marketing to grow your business, you may not know if you should hire an agency to help you out.

If you need help with this decision, keep reading…

Here are four key indicators that will let you know whether you should work with a digital marketing agency.

4 Signs You Need A Digital Marketing Agency Infographic

1. You’re Losing Money

Digital marketing can produce a great return on investment — even when you only spend a small amount.

But, it’s very easy to lose money with on a digital marketing campaign if you don’t know what you’re doing. And if your digital marketing campaigns are currently losing money, it might be a good idea to start working with an agency.

A good digital marketing agency knows how to track what your spending as well as ROI so that you can see the effectiveness of your campaigns.  Good agencies also know how to reduce wasteful spending and optimize not only your ad campaigns, but also user experiences.

Did you know that making a small change like changing the color of a button on your website can increase the number of sales leads you get through your website?  Marketing pros know how to refine what you’re doing to reduce your financial loss.

2. You Don’t Have Time

Digital marketing takes up a lot of time. If you’re new to the world of digital marketing, just learning how everything works can be time-consuming.

Even if you’re well-versed in digital marketing you still need to spend a lot of time on your campaigns. After all, you need to frequenty check on your campaigns to see if they’re generating results.

On top of that, digital marketing strategies such as SEO require that you produce a lot of high-quality content.  And, you don’t just need content, you need a content strategy.

So, if you are short on time, consider speaking to a digital marketing agency. They’ll be able to work in the background, taking care of your campaigns. While they’re working on what they do best, you can focus on what you do best: making your customers happy.

3. You’re Not Technical

A lot of digital marketing strategies require that you work with technical tools and interfaces. If you’re not a technical person, you might find this challenging.

Thankfully, a digital marketing agency can take care of the technical aspect of successful digital marketing. Agencies will have already educated themselves on the technicalities and software tools associated with marketing. This means that you can benefit from technical marketing strategies, even if you don’t have any technical skills.

4. You Don’t Care About Digital Marketing

While digital marketing can help your business – you might not actually care that much about the world of digital marketing. As a result, you might not feel driven to keep up with the latest trends and developments in the marketing world.

If you’re like this, then working with a digital marketing agency is definitely a good idea. Agencies are passionate about digital marketing and they’ll keep up-to-date with all the latest marketing trends and developments.

When something new comes around, an agency will know how your business can take advantage. This will make it easier for your business to stay on the cutting edge.

Time to Start Searching for a Digital Marketing Agency?

If any of the topics we’ve covered above apply to you, then it makes sense that you’d want to start working with an agency.

It can take quite a few conversations with several different agencies to find one that will be right for your business.

Looking for a digital marketing agency? Reach out and we’ll see how we can help!