Every day, more people in Tampa Bay and around the world are using tablets and smartphones to surf the web and search for information. Before mobile devices came on the scene, designers were only concerned with being certain the company’s website had the same feel and experience on every page. Now, with the constant growth, mobile devices are forcing companies to adapt their sites towards designs and user experiences to accommodate the various platforms and formats.
The biggest change all designers, like ClickFirst, face is that tablets and smartphones have different requirements than desktops. Instead of clicking, as a user would on a desktop, mobile interactions are based on touch, screen size, resolution and flash technology support. Optimizing the markup and other considerations are critical for websites to have a responsive design.
As SEO (Search Engine Optimization) becomes a priority in your company’s strategy, making your company’s site mobile-friendly is essential. According to Google, mobile sales have overtaken desktop sales, as well as, user search.
So, exactly what is RWD (Responsive Web Design)? Basically, it is laying out and coding a website to provide great viewing across the many formats from desktops to the different systems and sizes of tablets and smartphones. Creating a site with responsive design has many advantages. Below are some reasons ClickFirst and other designers consider to be amongst their top five.
- Extreme Flexibility – With fluid websites, content will move freely across the many formats. The site’s pages adjust for different devices, while keeping the site’s main appearance.
- Excellent & Reliable User Experience – Everyone agrees that content is king. However, without great user experience, visitors will not read the content. Therefore, your site must have good user experience, minimum resizing and no unnecessary scrolling.
- Money Saver – With one single site adjusting to formats being used by its various visitors, a company saves money by not having maintain two sites for desktop and mobile. Also, visitors have a greater convenience with only one bookmark to manage.
- Google Wants All Sites Responsive – Since Google controls roughly 67 percent of the internet search market, most companies and designers are inclined to listen. Google recommends responsiveness as best practice. With companies having one website, Google’s robots can crawl or read its pages and measure SEO more accurately. Google reports that nearly 88% of people use their mobile devices for mid-process decisions, like looking up directions and where to shop.
- Easy Management – Having a desktop and a mobile website means NOT having two SEO campaigns. With one campaign, your company’s money, effort and time can all go in the same direction to better enhance the website and the company’s image.
At ClickFirst, we can maintain all the responsive website design requirements for you. Our designers will implement all the industry’s best practices, which allows you to do what you do best, sell your products and services.