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Creating blog topics for a business website isn’t easy.

If you still don’t understand the value of writing blogs for your business website then start by reading this blog post.

Once you know the importance of blogging for your business, you understand it’s important to choose great topics. Your business blogs have to be creative enough to spark interest while also being informative, but not boring.

If you don’t choose good topics then you could end up spending a lot of time writing blogs that either won’t earn or retain traffic. So, here are ten useful tips for creating awesome blog topics for your business:

1. Choose Headlines that will Grab People’s Attention

You will never get a significant number of people to read your blog posts unless you come up with headlines that grab attention.

It’s not appropriate to write deceptive titles that don’t match the blog content, but’s important to word titles effectively. So, make sure that every title is completely relevant to the content itself while still being exciting and interesting. The better your headlines are, the better your chances will be of getting people to actually read your posts.

You can have the best quality content in the world, but it won’t matter if people aren’t interested enough to click links and read it. Make headline informative but concise. Avoid using titles that are too long and make sure that you’ve done some keyword research and included important keywords in your topics.

2. Consider Your Target Audience

When you’re trying to create the best topics for your business blog, it is important to consider your target audience. You need to select topics that your website visitors will actually want to read.

For example, if you are in the financial or investing industry and targeting younger people, you might want to use topics like “Essential Stock Market Tips for Millennials.”

The topics on your blog should appeal to your core demographic. If you haven’t already defined your target audience, you will need to do the research before you start posting on a blog. Make sure that your content is something that this group or groups will find helpful and informative.

3. Use Certain Words to Pique the Interest of Your Visitors

There are certain words that you can include in the titles of your blog posts that will increase your chances of getting more people to click them. Internet marketing research has shown that using words like “tips”, “tricks”, and “secrets” in the titles of articles and blog posts can be very helpful when it comes to increasing people’s interest.

When you are writing a blog post about how to start a small business, you might want to write something like, “10 Amazing Tips for Starting a Small Business,” instead of, “How to Start a Small Business.”

Also, try to narrow your topics a bit so they perform better in search. For instance, “5 of the Best Marketing Ideas for 2018,” is a very broad topic and there will probably be a lot of competition for it, so try to narrow the blog post focus by writing about a particular niche like, “5 of the Best Restaurant Marketing Ideas for 2018.”

4. Take a Look at Other Blogs

Another great way to come up with interesting and relevant topics for your blog is to take inspiration from other blogs that are extremely successful. You should be able to get a lot of great ideas by browsing through blogs that are similar to yours.

However, it’s important to realize that blogs which already appear in search results might be tough to compete with, especially if your blog or website is brand new. The goal here isn’t to take what’s there and regurgitate it.  You just want to use other blog posts as a way to get your own creative juices flowing.

Make sure that you look at blogs that seem to have the same target audience as yours.

You might be able to take some of the topics from other blogs and put a unique spin on them so they are even more interesting and useful to your visitors.

5. Brainstorm with Others

Creating fresh topics and ideas by your self can be challenging, especially if you’re sticking to a consistent posting schedule and have been creating topics for awhile.

Sometimes the best way to come up with great blog topics is to brainstorm with a group. If you have other people that you work with on your website and/or blog, you should get together with them to throw some ideas around.

Also, consider what questions your customers ask on a regular basis and then answer those questions in blog posts. Customers can be an endless source of great blog topic ideas.

6. Accept Guest Posts from Industry Experts

It’s also a good idea to invite business experts to guest post on your blog. By doing this you will build the creditability and reputation of your blog while handing off the responsibility of creating new topics to others.

These guest posts can really help you increase clicks with your blog, but you will need to be careful about who you allow to post. Make sure that the person who writes a guest post is a legitimate expert and well-respected in his or her field. Guest posting is a perfectly normal part of blogging, and some might say it’s even necessary for becoming truly successful.

Take the time to review each guest post before it is published so you can confirm that it is up to your standards. Just because a person is a business expert doesn’t necessarily mean they are an excellent writer. High-quality guest posts from relevant experts can do wonders for your blog overall.

7. Add Your Perspective to Trending Topics

You should keep track of trending industry topics so you can put your own spin on them. If it’s a topic that a lot of people are interested in at the moment, there is a good chance that you will get a lot of clicks.

Keep in mind that you want the make the article unique enough that your visitors aren’t just reading articles they have already read somewhere else.

And, always choose trending topics that will be relevant for awhile.  If a blog post isn’t going to be relevant or useful in a few weeks, then it’s a good idea to choose another topic. It will probably take Google several weeks to index your content and you don’t want to spend a lot of time writing something that won’t be useful by the time it appears in search results.

8. Write on Topics You Want to Know More About

Think about some topics that you want to know more about and start researching them. It is very likely that if you want to know more about a certain topics, there are plenty of other people that do too.

This will also provide you with a great opportunity to learn more while helping the people who visit your blog. Make sure that you do in-depth research before you begin writing.

9. Go Deep with Your Research

The more research you do into specific topics, the more ideas you will get for others.

There is nothing wrong with spending hours doing research for your blog posts, and in fact that is what you should do. Most people can tell very easily if an article is well-researched from the first paragraph, so you will need to invest a decent amount of time in getting your facts straight.

When you spend enough time doing your research, you will make your readers happy and get plenty of ideas for future topics.

10. Find Ways to Simplify Complex Ideas

There are lots of complex ideas and concepts in the world of business, but most of the people who visit your blog are probably not experts who are familiar with all of your industry’s jargon. You don’t want to treat your readers like they are stupid, but you also don’t want your content to go over their heads.

Spend as much time as you need finding creative ways to transform complex topics into something more palatable for the average person.

Want help creating blog posts for your business?

If you just don’t have the time to create topics or write blog posts, then outsource topic and blog creation. At ClickFirst we provide professional blog writing services that work for almost any industry or niche.

Many of our clients utilize our affordable blog creation service just for topic ideas and to get them started. Once you have a basic concept and a shorter article, you can expand on the topic and add your own spin!